Tuesday, September 23, 2008

First day jitters

To mark the beginning of my new promoted place, here at the Office, I have decided to create a blog to a) pass the time
b) write down the hilarious things that happen here, at the Office
c) because I spent most of the morning reading other blogs and I got pretty inspired.

What to expect: Quirky customer stories, amazing co-worker stories and just general tidbits about the goings on here, at the Office.

Today, my first day at this new Office, is extremely dead. It is currently 1:36pm and 1 client has come in today, because he had an appointment and he stayed for 15 minutes.

After struggling to install my own telephone, I finally received some calls. The first one was from one of my co-workers girlfriends, as was the second one, but the third one was him, testing to see if I am competent enough to answer the phone.

I didn't answer.

I'm pretty sure this place has a secret entrance, because from where I sit, I can see the front door and after going for a cigarette in front of the main door, I came back to find all 3 of my bosses, congregated in the back, eating lunch and talking.


Some woman just walked in off the street and she's currently looking around the showroom!
Still no more calls, but I'm pretty sure she's under the impression that I'm very busy and important considering how much I'm typing.

Also, figured out the fax machine!
In other news, there's this really sweet bakery right next door to the Office. They have pretty much every baked good you can imagine AND pasta salads AND chicken-avocado sandwiches, which sounds incredibly delicious right now. I went there for lunch but was seriously low on funds, so all I could afford was a small portion of some sort of Asian pasta salad.

It had cilantro in it, which I hate, but I'm planning on rummaging through my purse to see if I can muster up enough change for half a sandwich and some soup.

I found 7.35$ in my purse so I bought the chicken-avocado sandwich and the smoked salmon sandwiches, but unfortunately they were dry and a little off-putting.
Still satisfying though.
On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the worst and 10 being the best, I'd say today was a 6.
Quote of the day:
Do you guys have counter tops made of....REAL...rock?

Customers: 3 Calls: 6


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Could be worse!